09. November 2019
The turn-around time for responses from both agents and publishers vary, but usually it is months. I spent lots of time waiting. Then came the responses...countless rejection letters about how “theproject was not right for them.” I was prepared for these and took them in stride. I asked for feedback and anything I received I absorbed like a sponge. I made recommended changes which I amso thankful for because i fully believe that I made my book better. Sprinkled in with the rejection letters...
09. November 2019
The mug in the picture is a birthday gift from my sister, but, all joking aside, since I have announced the pending publication of my first book, 99% of those I talk to have the samequestion...”how?” I pride myself on the fact that most people I surround myself with are intelligent, creative, and hard-working, so the question is not surprising. I will answer it the only way I am able, from myperspective. DISCLAIMER: I don’t claim that my way was is the best way, but it’s the only way I...
21. August 2019
A dream I have had since I was a little girl has come to fruition in the best way. I have been offered and accepted a publishing contract with Pen It Publishing Company and am in the process of releasing my first children’s book, written AND illustrated by yours truly, called “Sharks Don’t Sleep.” “Sharks Don’t Sleep” was a labor of love in every possible way and wouldn’t have happened without the support and motivation of my husband, my little love, Miss Caroline, who was the...