Part 2 of “How?”

The turn-around time for responses from both agents and publishers vary, but usually it is months. I spent lots of time waiting. Then came the responses...countless rejection letters about how “theproject was not right for them.” I was prepared for these and took them in stride. I asked for feedback and anything I received I absorbed like a sponge. I made recommended changes which I amso thankful for because i fully believe that I made my book better.

Sprinkled in with the rejection letters I got a couple of interested parties. Most of them has the same question of “would I be providing my own illustrations?” My gut reaction initially was nobecause I wasn’t sure I would be able to capture the story and do it justice the way a real artist might. 

At this point I had narrowed down my interested publishers to just 2. The one I chose to pursue encouraged me to submit some rough sketches for review. Putting my faith in the publisher, I submittedthem and got a positive response. This was how I became the illustrator of my own book. 

Unfortunately, that initial publisher and I did not end up working together, but I received an email offer with a contract attached. That was how my partnership with Pen It Publications wasborn. 

So in response to that “how” question from the start of this blog, my answer is a lot of research, trial and error, and hard work. Stick with it, don’t get discouraged, and your book will find itsway out into the world!