Some ways to bring "Sharks Don't Sleep" into YOUR classroom include:


  • Creating a Diorama showing a 3D snapshot into underwater life. Encorporate 2-3 of the animals from the story and demonstrate their sleeping habits.
  • Writing a short story from the perspective of one of the sea creatures discussed in the story including facts about how they sleep. They can complete further research if they would like. 
  • Acting out scenes from the book giving voices and personalities to all characters.

"Sharks Don't Sleep" can also be used as a tool to teach diversity and celebrating differences. Reading the story can open discussion about though each animal does things differently, (sleep, for example) that their differences work to keep them alive and work in their favor. Students can discuss ways in which they are different as well and how their differences contribute to making the classroom/school/community exciting. 


We would LOVE to know how you use "Sharks Don't Sleep in your place of learning! Email us at: [email protected]