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If you or someone you know would be a good guest for "You Should Write A Book" please email: [email protected]

Blessing Odeseyi, founder of Menstral Care Centre
Blessing Odeseyi, founder of Menstral Care Centre

Episode 1: Blessing Odeseyi Wrote a Book

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Blessing Odeseyi is the founder of the Menstrual Care Centre in Lagos Nigeria. In this episode she discusses her passion, purpose, and the publication of her 3 informational texts around menstruation to help women of Nigeria learn to love their bodies. 

Find more information about Blessing’s organization here: 

Officially as on Facebook and Instagram as:

Author Leah Pugh
Author Leah Pugh

Episode 2: Leah Pugh Wrote a Book


Click here to listen to the episode

Leah Pugh is an author who dabbles in different genres. She has written two children’s picture books and the Crystal O’Malley mystery series. 

You can purchase Leah’s books and learn more about here here: